Thursday, January 5, 2012

My latest collections! :D

Wow... time passes like a rocket jet lately...
Hmm, maybe that is also an aging sign... *sigh*
Well, it has been a week since we welcomed 2012, and most of us are still lingering on the holiday/festive mood we had from Christmas and New Year... why can't the holiday stays longer... :(

Anyway... it's been a while since i last posted anything about my knitting works...
Yes, i may have been lazy posting blogs, but i haven't been lazy bout knitting out my creativity~ :D

Below are some of my work in 2011 ^_^

Hopefully i will be able to knit out more knit work in 2012 :)


1 comment:

  1. Good job! All of the pretty knitting show effort.

    Suggestion, knit with sequins? I think will look more glam LOL!

